High Voltage Management
Short Courses
High Voltage Operator
Short Courses
Maritime Cyber Hygiene (Online)
Short Courses
This 2 hour course helps you evaluate your habits and develop good cyber hygiene on board and in port. By the end of the course, you should have a clear understanding of the vulnerabilities which exist, the types of threats the industry faces, and what you need to do to protect yourself and your vessels. Please note, you have 7 days from the day of enrolment to complete the course, pass the test and obtain your certificate. After this time, your enrolment on the course will expire. When using Paypal there may be a delay of up to 5 minutes between you paying and you being given access to the course.  Upon  receiving  email confirmation you will have access.  Do NOT pay for the course more than once.  if you are having difficulties pease contact sue.harland@solent.ac.uk with a copy of your receipt from the email address that you made the payment from. 
Seatruck 3-day BRM
Short Courses